In future even your DNA won't be sacred - DroidTechKnow

Nov 02, 2018 8547 Shreya DNA

Stakes are high! Is the quest to discover who you really are and where you come from more important than your privacy?

DNA mapping is the latest fad in the generation -Z and millennials. and similar genealogy websites claim that your privacy is their priority. Even if you haven't spent on the services to discover what a special snowflake you are, your patriarchy & ethnicity can be mapped as well traced back up to the ladder of several preceding generations. Spoiler alert!: Your 2nd cousin sold you out already.

Relatives of 60% Americans of European ethnicities can be traced due to their direct and distant relatives who have used services of DNA mapping. When your cousins decide to pull-up a prank of you whether or not you were adopted, they put your critical existence information-your DNA on the line.

By registering for such DNA analysis, chances are high that you sold out data of your yet to be born grandsons and granddaughters too!


On a very small scale, think of the daily biometric screening you did to get your daily attendance at your workplace. Fingerprint and retina scans for an Adhaar card are a good example to understand this concept. You were scared about the miss use of this extremely personal and confidential data in the first place, weren't you? What if this falls in the wrong hands?

You took my passwords, finger prints but now please leave my DNA alone!

You became the password before you realizing it:

Technologies are scheming to scan your precious DNA just with your invaluable spit. The pace at which this innovation thirst is progressing, you might not even have to pay a hefty amount to get results that you didn't desire in the first place. Privacy, whether of digital occupancy on the internet, or of touch-and-feel life, is of prime importance for you dear readers, and we can collectively agree on this.

Genealogy websites like guarantee that their services will unveil and uncover amazing facts about you which might be unknown to you; like your demographic of origin, and what not. But here's the catch, it's on the cost of your information which is critical to your evolution which transcends through your next generation.

On the bottom line, if you never signed up for such services, you're still vulnerable. In the next ten years as per studies of Columbia University scientist Yaniv Erlich, more than fifty percent of the American population are identifiable through a third cousin or close relative on consumer DNA registries like AncestryDNA and 23andme.

What can I do to avoid identity theft?

  1. Avoid flashing your palms and fingers in pictures for a "cool photograph". Hackers know image recognition to scan your fingerprints.

  2. Don't fill in who your relatives are in online forums.

  3. Stick to the obvious and think twice before posting anything online.